
Santa’s Little Helper Redux

I don’t know what it was, the long-winded description of the “jug-eared, clap-happy dipshit” clapping, or the idea of Marmaduke howling a blood-curdling scream, but this selection from Joe Mathlete Explains Today’s Marmaduke brought tears of laughter at the explained antics of an oversized dog:

Marmaduke responds to a jug-eared, clap-happy dipshit’s entreaty to fetch a stick with either a massive yawn (which is how he signifies his boredom) or a blood-curdling scream (which is how he pumps himself up for a round of stick-fetching). Marmaduke’s owner-man responds to said jug-eared, clap-happy dipshit’s entreaty with a hint regarding the futility of the ridiculous little man’s enthusiasm

As for the title of this post, there was a friend of mine who got the same perverse glee rewinding a 5-second clip of Santa’s Little Helper jumping up onto Homer’s belly for a good 20 minutes. Dogs are just funny like that.

A Kinda Patton Christmas

A couple of raisin cakes thought they’d filter the spirit of giving through Patton Oswalt’s CD Feelin’ Kinda Patton. Yes, they even included an issue of Piss Drinkers magazine and the ever-popular Carvel’s Kris Kringle Pummeled Cake.

There’s a part of the album where Patton talks about Robert Evans’ autobiography, and he says “if you can find the book on tape, GET IT.” So I thought I would try to do just that, and get it for Jackson for Christmas. Well, once I got that, I started thinking about Stella D’Oro Breakfast Treats and all the other items Patton mentions, and thought about how funny it would be to get them all

See it all in their Flickr photo set found via Pop Candy, by way of Todd.

Internet by Tim Berners-Lee

(Just want to make sure I gave adequate credit.)

R2-D2: intergalactic badass

Todd recently forwarded me a link to a reinterpretation of the Star Wars trilogy. This reinterpretation manages to incorporate the prequels in a novel way that ultimately flips the whole series on its head.

“If we accept all the Star Wars films as the same canon, then a lot that happens in the original films has to be reinterpreted in the light of the prequels. As we now know, the rebel Alliance was founded by Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Bail Organa. What can readily be deduced is that their first recruit, who soon became their top field agent, was R2-D2.”

A New Sith, or Revenge of the Hope


Best Underappreciated Comic Shops

Just a quick bit of pimping myself; I wrote an article for LA Weekly’s Best Of issue. I thought I’d link to it, just so LA Weekly can get a few extra cents of ad revenue. It’s a gripping 312 words!

Some comic shops are more like museums. A curator decides which artists to stock, there are some very expensive pictures hanging from the walls… and I’m afraid to touch anything. When I mentioned this to the clerk at Burbank’s stylish House of Secrets, she told me to, by all means, touch.

Best-Underappreciated Comic Shops

The much-anticipated sequel to Guitar Hero

This one looks like it’s going to be a little tougher to master, but the tons of They Might Be Giants and “Weird” Al songs you can unlock make it definitely worth the money.

Accordion Hero

I don’t like New York!

Here’s why:

  1. No free refills on soda
  2. Even less parking than LA
  3. Signal before changing lanes — it’s the law!
  4. Hands-free cell phones only while driving — it’s the law!
  5. You know what? I found out L.A. isn’t the only city with traffic problems!

Aside from that, I’m really not sure what New York has to offer. Sorry, I can’t let this one slide… what’s up with the rationing of soda in Manhattan? Do they need to bring it in by helicopter? I just don’t see how people can live like that, with little bluetooth headsets in their ears all the time, like they’re some kind of day-drading dot-com stockbroker Hollywood agent.

I don’t like New York!


The Microsoft iPod?

Just the idea is enough of an ipecac for me, but some clever jokers posted on YouTube a parody of Microsoft’s answer to the iPod’s subtle package design…

The Rorschach Test

Meaning, if you dress up like this maniac for Halloween, you automatically fail.


Coming soon from No Eleven Records

No Limit isn’t the only label that can turn out a gross of new albums every month. Below is a list of No Eleven Records’ latest albums — dropping soon!

TeAM Productions

Han Solo frozen in LEGO

I’m a fan of people who can do creative things with Lego bricks, so this caught my attention:

It’s Han Solo frozen in carbonite, in Lego form – in case you didn’t catch the title. This piece is what caught my eye, but he’s made mosaic images and plenty of other amazing Lego creations you’ll find at his site: