Brand Tag bon mots

Part of why I got into psychology was I love giving feedback. The more terse and dismissive the better, which is why I just spent an hour at, giving my summary of various brands. Guess which brands I associated with:

oil spills
keeping customers in debt
no other options
relentless advertising
like AOL (not in a good way)
a sinister name for a clothing company

Visit and submit your own curt bon mots! You’re helping advertisers, and what could be more noble than that?

Answers: Shell, Chase, Best Buy, Rolex, Nike, MSN, Banana Republic, American Idol.

2 replies on “Brand Tag bon mots”

Ha. I should change the tagline to “because there’s no more noble pursuit than helping advertisers.”

Seriously, thanks for spending time on the site and glad you enjoy.

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