
Misunderstading Comics interview on Bleeding Cool

Our Kickstarter is still going on!

Bleeding Cool’s Kickstarter Correspondent, Shawn Demumbrum has led three Kickstarter campaigns to launch comic books, two successfully funded and one that wasn’t. Each week he will point out some of the unique Kickstarter projects that wouldn’t normally be published by the big comic book companies, but deserve your attention.

Since we are talking about Misunderstanding Comics, which comic do you think is misunderstood or gets an unjustified bad rap? Writer? Artist?

Jack Chick. It’s fashionable to slag on him because he’s pushing some really horrible offensive ideas in his comics, but his actual cartooning is just brilliant. He draws the most evocative, iconic expressions — just great bulging eyeballs and flapping mouths and sweat drops flinging all over the place. Every panel is so chock full of detail it’s like a MAD magazine chicken fat, with great big stubbly faced pot-bellied demons lurking everywhere in the background. I know so many people who insist that the art is bad because they don’t like the message, but he’s really a talented, meticulous craftsman.

Plenty more baffling answers and curveball questions where that came from, so read the rest of our interview Kickstart From The Heart – Misunderstanding Comics!